Akheva (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Brood of Ssraeshza (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Citizens of Seru (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Citizens of Shar Vahl (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Concilium Universus (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Coterie Elite (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Coterie of the Eternal Night (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Cult of the Great Saprophyte (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Dar Khura (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Dawnhoppers (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Deepshade Collective (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Deklean Korgad (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Deklean Korgad (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Disciples of Rhag`Zadune (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Emperor Ssraeshza (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Eye of Seru (Min: -2000 to Max: 500)

Gladiators and Slaves of Sanctus Seru (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Gor Taku (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Grieg (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Grimlings of the Forest (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Grimlings of the Moor (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Guardians of Shar Vahl (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Hand Legionnaries (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Hand of Seru (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Haven Defenders (Min: -749 to Max: 2000)

Haven Smuggler Associates (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Haven Smugglers (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Heart of Seru (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

House of Fordel (Min: -500 to Max: 2000)

House of Midst (Min: -500 to Max: 2000)

House of Stout (Min: -500 to Max: 2000)

Iksar Temple Slaves (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Jharin (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Johanius Barleou (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Kanaad (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Katta Castellum Citizens (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Khala Dun (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Khati Sha (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Kingdom of Above and Below (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Lake Recondite Bandits (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Lodikai (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Luclin (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Magus Conlegium (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Minions of the Sunlord (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Nathyn Illuminious (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Netok Tribe (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Order of Autarkic Umbrage (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Outcasts and Mutants (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Seru (Min: -4000 to Max: 2000)

Servants of Aero (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Servants of Hydro (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Servants of Inferno (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Servants of Terra (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Shak Dratha (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Shei Vinitras (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Shik Nar of Fungus Grove (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Shik Nar of Mons Letalis (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Shoulders of Seru (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Sonic Wolves of the Moor (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Spire Spirits (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Spirits of Katta Castellum (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Tarmok Tribe (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Taruun (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Bloodtribe (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Cral Ligi Clan (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Grol Baku Clan (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Recuso (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Sambata Tribe (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Tro Jeg Clan (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Truth (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

The Vas Ren Clan (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Thought Leeches (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Traders of the Haven (Min: -500 to Max: 2000)

Vah Shir Crusaders (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Valdanov Zevfeer (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Validus Custodus (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Vornol Transon (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Whisperling (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)