Agents of Dreadspire (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Assistants of the Scribe (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Creep Reapers (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Deep Sporali (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Disciples of Jarzarrad (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Expedition 328 (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Fallen Guard of Illsalin (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Free Traders of Malgrinnor (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)

Ragepaw (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Scions of Dreadspire (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Shadowmane (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Shiliskin Empire (Min: -2000 to Max: 0)

Sporali Collective (Min: -2000 to Max: 2000)